damp.ekeko.soot.soot documentation
Relations about SOOT whole-program analyses.
(soot ?keyword ?node)
Relation between a SootClass, SootMethod or SootField instance
?node and a keyword ?keyword describing its kind.
Keyword is one of :class, :method or :field. The instances
originate from the current Soot model available to Ekeko.
;;all SootClass instances
(ekeko* [?c] (soot :class ?c))
;;all SootMethod instances
(ekeko* [?m] (soot :method ?m))
(soot-class-constructor-method ?class ?method)
Relation between SootClass instances
and their SootMethod constructors.
(soot-class-field ?class ?field)
Relation between SootClass instances ?class
and their SootField instances ?field.
;;for each class, all fields
(ekeko* [?c ?f] (soot-class-field ?c ?f))
(soot-class-initializer-method ?class ?method)
Relation between SootClass instances and
their static initializer SootMethod.
(soot-class-method ?class ?method)
Relation between SootClass instances ?class and
their SootMethod instances ?method.
;;for each class, all methods
(ekeko* [?c ?m] (soot-class-method ?c ?m))
(soot-class-name ?class ?name)
Relation between SootClass instances ?class
and their fully qualified name string ?name.
(soot-entry-method ?method)
Unifies ?method with the SootMethod instance that was
used as the entry point for Soot's whole-program analyses.
(soot-field-signature ?field ?signature)
Relation between SootField instances ?field
and their signature string ?signature.
(soot-method-body ?method ?body)
Relation between active SootMethod
instances and their JimpleBody.
;;all methods with an active jimple body
(ekeko* [?m ?b] (soot-method-body ?m ?b))
See also:
API reference of soot.jimple.JimpleBody
(soot-method-called-by-method ?m ?caller)
Relation between SootMethod ?m and one of the SootMethod instances ?caller
that invoke ?m.
The relation is computed based on the points-to set of the receiver (i.e., based
on an approximation of the dynamic rather than the static type of the receiver).
Note that library methods are not included.
See also:
Predicate soot-method-calls-method/2 is declaratively equivalent,
but operationally more efficient when the caller is known and the callees aren't.
(soot-method-called-by-unit ?m ?unit)
Relation between SootMethod ?m and one of the Unit instances ?unit
it is invoked by.
The relation is computed based on the points-to set of the receiver (i.e., based
on an approximation of the dynamic rather than the static type of the receiver).
Note that library methods are not included.
See also:
Predicate soot-unit-calls-method/2 is declaratively equivalent,
but operationally more efficient when the unit is known and the method isn't.
(soot-method-calls-method ?m ?callee)
Relation between SootMethod ?m and one of the SootMethod instances ?callee
that are called from within ?m.
The relation is computed based on the points-to set of the receiver (i.e., based
on an approximation of the dynamic rather than the static type of the receiver).
Note that library methods are not included.
See also:
Predicate soot-method-called-by-method/2 is declaratively equivalent,
but operationally more efficient when the callee is known and the callers aren't.
(soot-method-cfg ?method ?cfg)
Relation between a SootMethod ?method and its
ExceptionUnitGraph control flow graph, in a
format that is suitable for being queried
using regular path expressions provided by
the damp.qwal library.
;;all units on every path through a SOOT control flow graph from an entry point ?entry
;;to an exit point ?exit where the exit point uses a value ?defval defined
;;by a previous Soot statement ?unit that uses a value ?usedval of type ?keyw
(ekeko* [?m ?entry ?exit ?unit ?keyw]
(l/fresh [?cfg ?defbox ?exitbox ?usebox ?defval ?usedval]
(soot-method-cfg-entry ?m ?cfg ?entry)
(soot-method-cfg-exit ?m ?cfg ?exit)
(qwal ?cfg ?entry ?exit
(qcurrent [curr]
(el/equals curr ?unit)
(soot-unit-defbox ?unit ?defbox)
(soot-valuebox-value ?defbox ?defval)
(soot-unit-usebox ?unit ?usebox)
(soot-valuebox-value ?usebox ?usedval)
(soot-value ?keyw ?usedval))
(qcurrent [curr]
(el/equals curr ?exit)
(soot-unit-usebox ?exit ?exitbox)
(soot-valuebox-value ?exitbox ?defval))))))
See also:
Documentation of the damp.qwal library.
Predicates soot-method-cfg-entry and soot-method-cfg-exit which quantify over the
Soot heads and tails of the control flow graph.
API reference of soot.toolkits.graph.ExceptionalUnitGraph
(soot-method-cfg-entry ?method ?cfg ?entry)
Relation between a Soot ExceptionalUnitGraph
(in a format compatible with damp.qwal) and its entry points.
See also:
Binary predicate soot-method-cfg/2
API reference of soot.toolkits.graph.ExceptionalUnitGraph
(soot-method-cfg-exit ?method ?cfg ?exit)
Relational between a Soot ExceptionalUnitGraph
(in a format compatible with damp.qwal) and its exit points.
See also:
Binary predicate soot-method-cfg/2
API reference of soot.toolkits.graph.ExceptionalUnitGraph
(soot-method-icfg ?method ?icfg)
Relation between a SootMethod and the program's interprocedural
control flow graph starting in that method, in a format that is suitable for being
queried using regular path expressions provided by the damp.qwal library.
(soot-method-local-must-alias-analysis ?m ?a)
Relation between a SootMethod ?m and
its intra-procedural must alias analysis ?a.
(soot-method-local-must-alias-analysis-strong ?m ?a)
Relation between a SootMethod ?m and
its intra-procedural strong must alias analysis ?a.
(soot-method-local-must-not-alias-analysis ?m ?a)
Relation between a SootMethod ?m and
its intra-procedural must-not alias analysis ?a.
(soot-method-name ?method ?name)
Relation between SootMethod instances ?method
and their short name string ?name.
(soot-method-signature ?method ?signature)
Relation between SootMethod instances ?method
and their signature string ?signature.
(soot-method-unit-trailing-unit ?m ?unit ?trailing)
Relation between a SootMethod ?m and two of its units
such that unit ?trailing comes after ?unit in
the PatchingChain of its JimpleBody.
(soot-method-units ?m ?units)
Relation between a SootMethod ?m and the PatchingChain of
units ?units in its active JimpleBody.
(soot-model ?model)
Unifies ?model with the current Soot model available to Ekeko,
or fails when there is currently none.
(soot-model-scene ?model ?scene)
Relation between the current Soot model ?model and its scene.
See also:
API documentation of soot.Scene
Unary predicate soot-model/1
(soot-unit ?keyw ?u)
Relation between soot unit ?u and a keyword ?keyw describing its kind.
The instances originate from the current Soot model available to Ekeko.
See also:
API documentation of soot.Unit
(soot-unit-assign-leftop ?u ?local)
Relation between the soot JAssignStmt unit ?u
and its left operand ?local.
(soot-unit-assign-rightop ?u ?local)
Relation between the soot JAssignStmt unit ?u
and its right operand ?local.
(soot-unit-calls-method ?unit ?m)
Relation between Unit ?unit and one of the SootMethod instances ?m
it may invoke.
The relation is computed based on the points-to set of the receiver (i.e., based
on an approximation of the dynamic rather than the static type of the receiver).
Note that library methods are not included.
See also:
Predicate soot-method-called-by-unit/2 is declaratively equivalent,
but operationally more efficient when the method is known and the unit isn't.
(soot-unit-defbox ?u ?b)
Relation between a soot Unit ?u and one of the ValueBox instances it defines.
See also:
predicate soot-unit-usebox/2
(soot-unit-usebox ?u ?b)
Relation between a soot Unit ?u and one of the ValueBox instances it uses.
See also:
predicate soot-unit-defbox/2
(soot-value ?keyw ?v)
Non-relational. Unifies ?keyw with the keyword
that represents the kind of the soot Value ?v.
(soot-valuebox ?b)
Non-relational. Verifies that ?b is a soot ValueBox.
(soot-valuebox-value ?b ?v)
Non-relational. Unifies ?v with the Value inside the ValueBox ?b.
(soot|method-soot|unit ?m ?unit)
Relation between a SootMethod ?m and one of the units ?unit
in its active JimpleBody.
(soot|unit|reads-soot|field ?unit ?field)
Relation between a Soot unit and the Soot field it reads from.
(soot|unit|writes-soot|field ?unit ?field)
Relation between a Soot unit and the Soot field it writes to.