damp.ekeko documentation
Main Ekeko namespace.
(ekeko logicvars & goals)
Equivalent to core.logic's run-nc* (all solutions, disabled occurs check),
but each solution consists of a vector of bindings for the variables
given as its first argument (even if only a single variable is given).
Example usage:
(ekeko [?inv ?child]
(ast :MethodInvocation ?inv)
(child :arguments ?inv ?child))
See also::p
ekeko* which opens a graphical view on the solutions.
(ekeko* vars & goals)
Launches a query like ekeko, but opens an Eclipse view on the solutions.
Example usage:
(ekeko* [?inv ?child]
(ast :MethodInvocation ?inv)
(child :arguments ?inv ?child))
See also:
ekeko which doesn't open a view on the solutions
(ekeko-n* n vars & goals)
Equivalent to core.logic's run with disabled occurs check,
hence computing at most the number of solutions indicated
by its first argument ,
but takes multiple logic variables as its second argument
and opens an Eclipse view on the solutions.
Example usage:
(ekeko-n* 100 [?inv ?child]
(ast :MethodInvocation ?inv)
(child :arguments ?inv ?child))
See also:
ekeko which doesn't open a view on the solutions